Happy New Year from all at inspiresport!
It’s no secret we had an extremely busy and very successful 2018 at inspiresport! We sent out over 12, 300 young players to places all over the world including Europe, USA & Canada, South America, Asia, and Australia. We received some fantastic feedback from Party Leaders and in many cases were lucky enough to be able to follow our groups’ journeys via photos and social media.
In September we celebrated the opening of our new office in Manchester where our colleagues can be closer to our exclusive partner – Manchester City! Speaking of Man City, in December we extended our exclusive partnership with them for three more years!! We also celebrated new partnerships with Hockey Wales, Internazionale Milano, Deaf Rugby 7s and ESCA. We were thrilled to toast the 14th year of ESFA partnership as well.
In November, inspiresport held our first netball tournament in Manchester which was a great success – so much so, plans are already being made for a similar tournament in 2019!
Last, but not least, we had eight new people join our team and help us achieve all of that and much more.
We want to take this opportunity to thank everyone who believed in our mission in the past year – every Party Leader who trusted us with their sports tour, every parent who agreed to let their child tour with us and every employee at inspiresport who worked on creating the ultimate experience for all of the 12, 300 players that went away with us in 2018.